“W. THORBURN shot three three loons with his muzzle loading rifle.” -Guide–That’s nothing: D. H. SPRINGER shot one at 150 paces with a revolver. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
A little over four years ago Mr. BLUEMAN settled down on this Island with $700.; he purchased land, made improvements, collected stock and now he has sold the whole for $1500. He is going to spend this summer in the neighborhood of Dunedin and will return in the fall to make a fresh purchase. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
Martin BUCK and family, of Jarvis, came up by the Pacific Saturday and have since moved out to a farm in Carnarvon. Mr. BUCK is the kind of settler we want; besides a large supply of household goods he has a sufficiency of ready capital to give him a good comfortable start. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
(advertisement) Great sale of farm property by the Estate of the Late James Herman TINKIS
Township: Assiginack Lot 10 Concession 14
Township: Assiginack Lot 11 Concession 15
Township: Assiginack Lot 5 Concession 7
Township: Bidwell Lot 9 Concession 4
Township: Bidwell Lot 13 Concession 6
Township: Sheguiandah Lot 16 & 17 Concession 7
Township: Sheguiandah Lot 1 Concession B
Township: Carnarvon Lot 24, 25 & 26 Concession 6
Township: Campbell Lot 5 Concession 12
Township: Tehkummah Lot 2 & 3 Concession 8
Township: Tehkummah Lot 12 Concession 8
Parties wishing to purchase will consult their own interest by applying to the undersigned as the Estate have decided to sell the properties above mentioned at a moderate valuation. Cash deposit reasonable and prices right.
- H. PRICE, Manager, TINKIS Estate
Manitowaning, January 7, 1884 (end of advertisement)
Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884 ( and several subsequent weeks)
Our readers will remember that during last winter we recorded the fact that a youth named Jno. TAILOR was supposed to have been drowned on Lake Manitou, but a week ago last Sunday his body was found in such a position as to leave no doubt that he was frozen instead. It appears that one day last winter he left Little Current for Ashley’s on Lake Manitou, a distance of some fifteen miles. While crossing a bay on the lake one of the fiercest snow storms of the season came on and it is supposed either that he lost his way or that being weary he sat down to rest and became benumbed before attempting to rise. At all events his body was found in a sitting posture on shore and within a few rods of Mr. SPRY’S house. Deceased was about fourteen years of age. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
Notice is hereby given that my wife, Jessie SHIELDS, has up and left my bed and board without any just cause, therefore I give notice that I will not become responsible for any debt contracted by her. Charles SHIELDS, Manitowaning, May 7, 1884. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
- A. McDOUGALD has returned from his Lake Superior trip and has decided to remain here. He will secure a lot and build a new store.–Pioneer.Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
Miss Lottie McLEAN, who has for some years been a resident of Manitowaning left for Oakville, by the Atlantic. Previous to her departure she was presented with a circular, album and purse in token of appreciation of her services as organist of the Presbyterian church in this village. Manitoulin Expositor, May 24, 1884
On Tuesday last, Geo. THOMPSON clipped six sheep in thirty-five minutes. This is considered quick work. Manitoulin Expositor, May 31, 1884
Jno. McARTHUR and some of his Bidwell neighbours killed a monster bear this week. The animal measured some 14 inches across the head between the ears, and he weighed 321 pounds. Manitoulin Expositor, May 31, 1884
Jas. STRINGER has sold lot 14, conc. 9, Bidwell to Robt STRINGER, and lot 12, conc.8, Bidwell to L.W. FERGUSON. The first farm comprises 50 acres, 40 cleared, no buildings, all good land, $500; the second was a hundred acre lot, 50 cleared, frame barn 60×30 and frame house 20×26, all good land, $800. The farms were both within half a mile of school and five miles from store, post office and grist mills. Manitoulin Expositor, June 7, 1884
Coleman WAGG has removed from Carnarvon to John COLE’s farm, near this village, which he rented some time ago. Manitoulin Expositor, June 7, 1884
When the Atlantic was an hour on her last up trip, and just a little above Spanish River, a man named Leonard LATHAN suddenly rushed to the gangway and jumped overboard. He was a well dressed man about 25 years of age and was on his way to work at Serpent River mills. He had been drinking heavily for some time and was on the verge of delirium tremens when he committed the rash act. Deceased never came to the surface after going under. Manitoulin Expositor, June 14, 1884
The body of the man Michelle BOYEA who was reported missing some weeks since, was discovered in the river about half a mile from Plummer’s wharf and taken out and buried. (Pioneer Clippings) Manitoulin Expositor, June 14, 1884
We regret to have to announce that our sister village of Gore Bay has been visited by a disastrous fire. The fire broke out about one a.m. Monday in Olmstead’s tin shop and in a short time that building, the saddler’s shop and Anderson Bros. store were in ashes. Very little of the contents was saved. All the property, we understand, was slightly insured; Anderson Bros. held a policy of $3,500 on a $9,000 stock. It is not know how the fire originated but it is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary as there was no fire all day Sunday in the building where the flames first burst out. Manitoulin Expositor, June 14, 1884 Andrew GORDON’S house, in Carnarvon, was struck by lightning some two or three weeks since. The bolt struck one of the logs came down inside the wall, tore one of Mrs. GORDON’S shoes from her foot, and rolled out at the door like a bolt of fire. Manitoulin Expositor, June 21, 1884
Letter from Rev. Hugh McKay
The following are extracts from a letter written by Rev. Hugh McKAY and dated Broadview, N.W.T., June 13:
You will pardon me for writing without ink as I have none and am twenty miles from town. I often think of my old home in Manitowaning and wonder how you are all getting along * * I am feeling very well and have had good health this summer.
During this past two weeks I have been camping. Left Okanase, in the Riding Mountain, to visit the Indian reserve west of Broadview. We had a very pleasant drive, travelling perhaps twenty or thirty miles a day and then camping for the night; the second night brought us to Birtle and we camped on the banks of a beautiful river, the hills covered with bush. It was a delightful evening and we sat long enjoying the beauties of nature and as I lay down to sleep in my tent I heard, for the first time in the North West, the sweet notes of the whip-poor-will. That song was familiar to me and I was in thought once more a member of an unbroken family. But only for a moment; for the spell was soon broken and I found myself a pilgrim far from home. But the mind went out to the future and I thought of the re-union at the Father’s House; gathering home from the strife and conflict; from the sorrows and disappointments; the war-worn soldier and the weary traveller wending homeward together. We camped Saturday night on the banks of the Qu’Appelle River and spent the Sabbath among a tribe of Pagan Indians and had much speaking. The story of the cross was new to them; they had never heard it before. The Indians here are still arrayed in their wild dress; their hair long, faces painted and wearing blankets. They treated us kindly and seemed anxious to hear us. There are two large reserves here where we purpose opening a mission, and school if possible. This is where the disturbance was in the spring; I do not think it was the fault of the Indians. I am busy studying the Cree language and hope soon to be able to preach in it * * I thought of going to Toronto this summer and calling at Manitowaning by the way but I fear now I shall not be able to get away * * Give my kindest regards to the friends * * Any letter addressed to Broadview P.O., N.W.T. will find me. Manitoulin Expositor, June 28, 1884
We regret to learn that Geo. BRADLEY, jr. has been under the necessity of undergoing a second operation caused by the trouble in his side. He is again able to be about. Manitoulin Expositor, June 28, 1884
We understand that Thos. PARKINSON has purchased the ROOKLIDGE property and that he will proceed with the erection of a second dock at once. Manitoulin Expositor, July 12, 1884
Alex. NELSON, of Dundalk, has bought the store and premises now occupied by McDonald Bros. for $2600. He expects to be up about the 20th inst. Manitoulin Expositor, July 12, 1884
Geo. ROOKLIDGE is about removing to the Michigan Sault. J.H. STINSON has sold out and will remove up the lakes. His family have already gone. Manitoulin Expositor, July 19, 1884
- CRAGG had the misfortune this week to inflict such a cut on his on his foot with an adze as will incapacitate him for work for some time.Manitoulin Expositor, July 26, 1884
What changes a few years bring about! It is just three years ago this week since poor Fred NORTHCOTT, full of life and hope was preparing to start out on one of those trading trips elsewhere alluded to; but shortly before leaving his boat was upset while enroute from Sheguiandah to Manitowaning and he and his companions G. W. VANZANT, J. SMITH and T. TURLY, were compelled to cling to the upturned boat for ten long hours before she finally drifted ashore. The exposure and quantity of water he had taken in proved too much for poor NORTHCOTT and he succumbed after arriving at this village. Since then one of his medical attendants has followed him to the grave and of his companions only one is now a resident of this village. Manitoulin Expositor, July 26, 1884
It is four years, not three, since NORTHCOTT was drowned. Manitoulin Expositor, August 2, 1884
On the 31st inst., a young son of John KING’S of St. Joseph’s Island, brought his boat to an anchor near the shore. Thinking the water was shallow enough to allow of his wading ashore he jumped out. The water was deeper than he thought and never rose again. Manitoulin Expositor, August 9, 1884
It really does one good to see a man who does his duty simply for duty’s sake. Such an one is the Rev. Father DURANQUET of the Wikwemikong mission. His people are few and widely scattered in the eastern end of this vast District and his field of labor is thus very large taking in from Wikwemikong on this Island to Thessalon, together with the intervening settlements on the North Shore. Last winter we met this old gentleman, who is in the neighborhood of the seventies, walking on the Spanish River by the side of his dog train; and this week we saw him paddling his canoe on the placid waters of the Mississaugua.
And thus his journeys are accomplished; in winter by chance team or with his dog train; in summer by steamboat, sail boat or canoe, as circumstances permit. One such trip over his mission will involve a journey of well-nigh 300 miles. We are not ardent admirers of the Catholic Church as a Church but we have a particularly sincere admiration for the earnest, self-sacrificing spirit shown by at least some of her missionary priests. Manitoulin Expositor, August 9, 1884
We regret to learn that a soon of D. CLARK of Assiginack, got his hand in a cutting box recently and lost part of two fingers and a third is likely to be rendered useless. Manitoulin Expositor, August 16, 1884
We regret to learn that Donald CLARK’S little boy, the accident to whose hand we mentioned last week, has been compelled to have the end of the third finger taken off. Manitoulin Expositor, August 23, 1884
- NEEDHAM, watchmaker and jeweler, of Shelburne, Ont. has opened out business in Mathews’ shop, Manitowaning, and is prepared to do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks and jewelry; he has had fifteen years experience in the business, during nine of which he has been established in Shelburne.Manitoulin Expositor, August 23, 1884
Bush fires are raging in this vicinity and great anxiety is felt by those whose property is thereby endangered. To-day the fire has come almost to our doors. Barrels of water line the brow of the hill leading to Dupont’s bay, east of the village, where the fire is holding revel, and the villagers are prepared to make a stout resistance to the further inroads of the devouring flames. Manitoulin Expositor, August 23, 1884
Owing to the late heavy rain fall, the bush fires have been brought under control. The fire happily destroyed neither barns or crops, though it threatened to do both. Messrs. MAY, HILL, ABREY and ROWLEY have lost an extent of fencing and Mr. ABREY’s place, known as ‘The Oaks’, has been cleared of timber. In one instance the fire was started by a man who wanted to exterminate a wasp’s nest; in another, by a pathmaster in the discharge of his duty. But in the majority of cases, the fire originated at the hands of men who wanted to “clear up a slash.” Manitoulin Expositor, August 30, 1884
Geo. YOUNG’s blacksmith’s shop, Gore Bay, was burned down on Tuesday night of last week. As usual, no insurance. Manitoulin Expositor, August 30, 1884
Fires in Bidwell
Swamp fires in Bidwell did considerable good as well as harm in Bidwell last week. SHAW’s house, Neil CAMPBELL’S shanty, some hay belonging to ASHTON and HANNAH, a considerable quantity of crop and rails were destroyed; but large tracts of swamp land were left almost ready for the plow, one man alone having had 75 acres cleared this way. Manitoulin Expositor, August 23, 1884
- YOUNG, with the assistance of willing neighbours, raised a new blacksmith shop on Thursday last and succeeded in getting the building, which is a decided improvement on the old one entirely enclosed and partly shingled. (Guide)Manitoulin Expositor, Sept. 6, 1884
It is reported that Mr. BAYES of Green Bay has lost his barn, crops and implements through a fire caused by a match carelessly thrown down by a workman who was lighting his pipe. Also, that Mrs. CAMPBELL of the same settlement has lost everything she possessed through a disastrous bush fire. Manitoulin Expositor September 13, 1884
As John and William TANN were coming from Carnarvon to Peter PATON’S place in Tehkummah, they got caught in a bush fire on THOMAS’ bridge, which was built by the Government some years ago and has now been burnt for the second time. The parties alluded to did not think the crossway was on fire till they were well on it and as it was too narrow to turn on they had to drive through. Both of the boys were more or less injured by the fire and one had his hat burnt off his head. The horses were also severely singed and one of them has temporarily lost the sight of one eye thereby. Manitoulin Expositor September 13, 1884
- E. ROSS of Kagawong writes: In your last issue I notice your comment on the Pioneer anent bee keeping in Algoma, and now I propose to supplement that comment by giving a little information from our own settlement. Duncan HERON has kept bees for 2 years. Robt. RIVETT, 6 years; Henry HUNT, 4 years; Robt. LOVE, 6 years; Jos. CHERRY, 5 years; John GREENFILED, 1 year; David RICHARDS, 2 years; R. J. WYMAN, 2 years; Henry CORBIER, 6 years; and with one or two exceptions they have been a grand success. Last season Robt. LOVE had eight swarms from one hive and all bee keepers agree that bees do better here than in another place in Canada. If the editor of the Pioneer will visit our settlement this fall we will show him a large number of improved hives from the establishment of D.A. JONES, of Beeton.Manitoulin Expositor, Sept. 13, 1884
Wm. BATTY came home on Tuesday with both hands disabled as a result of being too near a blast on the railway works north of Lake Superior. Manitoulin Expositor, September 20, 1884
On Wednesday, 10th inst., as Thos. C. SIMS and an Indian were returning from Kagawong, where they had gone in a sailing craft for a load of lumber, they got caught in the heavy gale that sprang up during the afternoon and were compelled to beach the boat. The young men were exposed to the mercy of the wind and waves for some time and barely escaped with their lives. The boat, the property of H.S. SIMS and a valuable one was badly damaged. Manitoulin Expositor, September 20, 1884
It is reported that the son of Martin HEIS, near Sheguiandah, has met with temporary blindness caused by the late vivid lightning. Manitoulin Expositor, September 20, 1884
A serious fire occurred here on Thursday last by which Samuel BAYS lost his barn and contents, the latter consisting of wheat, eight tons of hay, a quantity flour, new fanning mill, two plows and numerous other articles. The fire originated through the carelessness of a man lighting his pipe and throwing the match (supposed to be out) near an old straw stack at the side of the barn; no insurance. Manitoulin Expositor, Sept. 20, 1884
J.B WHITE got one of his fingers severely jammed while loading a timber vessel last week. Manitoulin Expositor, October 4, 1884
It is with sincere regret we learn that D.A. TINKIS is in the hospital at Port Arthur suffering from a low fever. Manitoulin Expositor, October 4, 1884
We regret to learn by the Herald of the 18th of the death of N. R. STREET, Port Arthur. Mr. STREET was one of the leading business men and most respected residents of Western Algoma. Manitoulin Expositor, October 4, 1884
Stephen ORR, of Sheguiandah, while riding on horseback pulled his horse backwards and over him. He is recovering. Manitoulin Expositor, October 4, 1884
Willie WHITE was thrown off his pony on Tuesday and severely injured. He is recovering. Manitoulin Expositor, October 11, 1884
Mrs. WILLIAMSON, of Tehkummah, was shot in the heel last week. A boy was handing a loaded gun from the wall when it fell to the floor and was discharged nearly all of the contents lodging in the back of the foot. Manitoulin Expositor, October 11, 1884
Whooping cough is at present pretty bad around here, almost every house in the township (Kagawong) having some children down with it, but as yet only two deaths, one of Mr. A. HUNT’S and Thos. NEWBURN’S children. Manitoulin Expositor, October 25, 1884
One night last week, Walter CAUGHELL, teamster, a man past middle life, after being on a drunken carousal, and rendering himself liable to detention in lockup finished up his performance by discharging fire-arms through a window of a room occupied by Frank MALENFANT, a boarder in the house of Mr. John DAWSON. Fortunately nobody was hurt but CAUGHELL, for whose arrest a warrant has been issued. On Dit. Oct. 20th. Manitoulin Expositor, November 1, 1884
It is feared that Michel NAGONIJIJI was drowned while attempting to cross the bay last night. A later report says the boat has been found upset and it is supposed three Indians were drowned. Manitoulin Expositor, November 8, 1884
The greater part of this week has been spent by a number of Indians in an unsuccessful endeavor to recover the bodies of three unfortunate brethren who were lost in attempting to cross Manitowaning Bay on Friday evening of last week. As there is little doubt that the men were intoxicated when drowned we understand that a most searching investigation will be instituted in the event of the bodies being found. Manitoulin Expositor, November 15, 1888
A man named Thos. BULLEVANT was discovered on Thursday, on the Lake Manitou Road, with his throat cut. Heavy drinking, followed by consequent depression had caused him to attempt his own life, but although he inflicted a cut of four inches, Dr. Francis pronounces the wound not dangerous. Manitoulin Expositor, November 15, 1884
(Kagawong) Whooping cough still prevails in and around here. A child of D. McLEOD’s was buried on Saturday and on Sunday, T. DICKOUT’s child was buried, both young children, and at present J. M. CAMPBELL’s child is not expected to recover. Manitoulin Expositor, November 15, 1884
A new post office has opened at Long Bay, in the township of Campbell, with Mr. Robert GAMEY as Post master. Manitoulin Expositor, November 29, 1884
Mr. D. BICKELL has sold his mill which was situated at the head of Gore Bay, to Mr. J. McKEOWN, who is now removing the same to Long Bay. Manitoulin Expositor, November 29, 1884
It is understood that as soon as Sheriff GOW recovers sufficiently to endure the journey he will leave with Mrs. GOW for the South to spend the winter. Mr. John GOW of Strawberry Island, has arrived home and will remain until his father returns next spring. (Guelph Mercury) Manitoulin Expositor, December 13, 1884
On Friday, Dec. 5th, a band of boys, namely, Lorne BRADLY, John SHIELDS, Robert BASKERVILLE, Robert NEILSON, Willie WHITE and Sandy GORLEY, marched down the principal street in our villages with axes, saws and saw-horses, and made a raid on an old gentleman’s wood yard, taking possession without any opposition. The at once set to work, cutting and splitting all the wood they could find and then piled it away in the dry. It was a pleasing spectacle to witness the sympathetic little men engaged in such a noble work.
The old gentleman, bowing beneath the weight of years, and still sorrowing over the death of his beloved daughter, finds it a difficult task to cut his own wood; what a pleasant surprise it must have been to him when a group of laughing open-hearted schoolboys began taking off their coats with a determination and enthusiasm which would bring the blush to many a big man! –A Spectator. Manitoulin Expositor, December 13, 1884
Sheriff GOW has been reported to be doing so well just now that the idea of going south for the winter has been dropped. (Guelph Mercury) Manitoulin Expositor, December 20, 1884
The ‘Guide’ reports the burning of H.L. McLEAN’s store and dwelling house, at Barrie Island, entailing a loss of considerably over $2,500. As usual, there was no insurance. Manitoulin Expositor, December 20, 1884
Mrs. B. BOYER is lying dangerously ill at the Grand Union hotel. (Pioneer) Manitoulin Expositor, December 27, 1884